Retirement Planning
We will make sure that you get the best deal at retirement.
Retirement Planning
What is a pension plan?
- A pension plan is simply a tax efficient savings plan
- Tax relief is provided depending on your tax rate
Why should I start a pension?
- To replace lost income
- To gain significant tax saving
- To provide additional security for the future
When should I start a pension?
The earlier that a pension plan is started the better, the delay will effect your fund at retirement. The longer you postpone starting a pension means the more contributions you will have to make in order to cover the shortfall.
What pension plan is for me?
There are all different plan types to suit everyone’s need, i.e. PRSA, Company Pension, AVC Plans Personal Pension and Executive Pension
What are the benefits of a pension?
- Tax relief on contributions
- Tax Free Growth within the fund
- Tax Free Cash at retirement
How do I set up a pension?
The experienced team at Marine & General Insurances DAC can help you choose a tailored pension plan to suit your needs.
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